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To understand the painting process of the Cantonese Yuemei products
Paint generally through eight major processes, each process to go through 2 hours of dry roasted waiting for the next process.
1, paint process: antique, old, black, blue, gold, green, artificial marble;
Including: gold gilt (24K, 18K), pale gold, gold three kinds of operation
The black, blue, green and ash are four operations.
2, paint: PU paint, UV paint, NC paint, PV paint; methods are: bottom coloring, surface coloring
A, the main is the bottom color of Western technology, with high hardness, wear resistance, is not the end, not white, clean ring defect
Environment to high, and thin and hard lead to the difficulty of the process;
B, surface coloring is Oriental Arts, with bright colors and ornate features and shortcomings has penetrated and collision when prone to depression, friction easy interlocked produce white edge;
C, PU paint is characterized by high transparency, hand gun to clean working environment, to penetrate paint penetrating. Surface has a certain hardness, abrasion resistance, can clearly see the wood grain and color, wood dry strength, more resistant to wear hanging for paints high-grade furniture. Disadvantages take long time to dry and wet be influenced by climate impact, Du long production cycle, high requirement of environment equipment.
D, PV paint: bright, gorgeous, and enhance the direct hardness, the disadvantages of PV primer easy direct chemical reaction, resulting in color, volatile color;
UV, E paint: paint the surface of the hardness is good, wear resistance, paint filling force is good, dry, must use ultraviolet drying, can only plane coating, can not do the plane. Commonly used in the shower, roller coating, shower paint thicker, visual full, roller coating wear resistance, better adhesion;
F, NC paint: NC paint the biggest feature is dry fast, generally ten minutes dry, dry easy special process, operation is more convenient, can be made of antique, color and other special paint processCatalog printing Booklet printing